Lavatrastes Biodegradable - Hortú | Minisuper ecológico

Lavatrastes Biodegradable

from$39.00 MXN
Dishwasher Biodegradable

Contains: Distilled water, non-ionic surfactants, sodium laureth sulfate, pH regulator, fragrance, vegetable dye. Without fixatives or additives that further contaminate the water.

Let‘s take care of the planet by reducing the consumption of chemicals and single-use plastics.
10 Lt
4 Lt

NOTE: Our unit of measurement is in liters.
You can write in the box the amount of product you want considering decimals.
For example: If you want 100 ml of product, write 0.100. If you want 50 ml, write 0.050.
Keep in mind that all your cleaning products will be packaged in reused containers, according to the amount you have chosen.